A little belated, but better late than never. What's happening over in the Super Play Corner this week?
Ah, projectors. I seem to remember video games being bad for projectors, because static images burnt the lenses. To view the next picture in large format, click on it to open the gallery.
The Super Mario Club was apparently a big Japanese TV show. I remember around this time the first Aussie gaming show started, and it was called The Zone. Looking back, it wasn't great, but I thought it was awesome at the time. Remember, this is pre-internet, so you could see screenshots of games in magazines, but by watching a TV show, you could actually see the game in action!
Here's an-hour-and-a-half of Super Mario Club that I found on YouTube. (I just watched bits and pieces, it's pretty entertaining!)
... And here's some of The Zone. It's almost painful to watch nowadays. Were the 90s really that daggy? I think Adam, the host, was just trying way too hard!
I can remember the dilemma on those Saturday mornings. The Zone was on at the same time as Ren & Stimpy. I always had to tape one of them to watch later. Ah, memories. Hmmm, where were we?
This edition of "Fantasy Quest" is notable for the fact that it's the first big reveal of Final Fantasy VI! ... Actually, it's not that big, is it? I don't think anyone realised at this stage how much that single game would change the face of R.P.G.s...
Kinda random look at how a 90s ad campaign was made. I wonder if they found it was successful.
So there you have it. Catch ya next time!