Hello there faithful bloggles.
(I know you're out there because the counter keeps climbing up! Check it out, I'll be hitting 50k before too long... that's insane...)
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've got a rather large project on at work at the moment (I'm writing a play) and I promised myself that I wouldn't dedicate time to blogging until it's completed. I have given myself the deadline of Monday to finish it, so hopefully I'll be back on track before too long with some more retro gaming.
In the meantime, have a picture of my Final Fantasy collection!
Hooray for consistent box-art! (The GameBoy games are iffy, but I'm still living in hope that Square-Enix will re-release FF5 and FF6 on the 3DS. Hell, I'd even buy a Vita to play them, but... surely Square-Enix isn't THAT foolish...)
In other news, it's so darn HOT here at the moment. March is supposed to be AUTUMN, but the past couple of weeks have been hotter than January or March! Darn global warming! *grumblegrumble*
Ah well, if the end of the world's coming, at least I've been playing some good games. I'm approaching the end (I think) of Ni No Kuni. It's a really wonderful game. It's certainly not perfect (the story just kinda turns into a giant RPG cliche once Oliver reaches the "Another World" and I'm still a bit "meh" about the battle system) but it's certainly kept me interested the past month or so.
It sucks to be a WiiU owner right now, but to be honest, I probably wouldn't have time to play it anyway so I'm not that upset. The Google Maps app is super-awesome though!
Happy gaming folks!
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