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Monday, April 25, 2011


And here we have one of the all-time Nintendo greats... A Link To The Past.

Here's the GameTrailers take on the Zelda chronology. It's enough to spin your head!
So does Zelda III live up to modern expectations? Pffff, of course it does!

So there it is. I might just play a little bit more of Portal 2 and Dragon Quest 5 before starting on next week's games. They're kinda hard to put down...   ;-)   That's it for this week. Ciao.


I'm back! What a great holiday I had. I'm stoked to report that after the amazing "Distant Worlds" concert I got to meet Uematsu himself. He shook my hand, signed my C.D. and I got a photo with him. I don't usually get starstruck when meeting famous people, but wow, this guy is like my idol!
The next episode is in-the-works, should be up before too long. In the meantime, here's some holiday snaps!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This will be my last blog post for a while. Tomorrow morning I'm off to Sydney. I'll hopefully be able to post something from up there, but I won't be home until the Easter weekend. Take care, everybody. :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Okay, I admit it... I've been playing something other than the retro collection. No biggie though; there's nothing in the contract to say I CAN'T play any modern games. Heavy Rain has been sitting on my shelf unplayed for about 6 months now, and as soon as I put it in the PS3 last night I was hooked. What an awesome game! It's like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure murder-mystery movie. Brilliant! It feels like every little choice I make is going to affect the outcome somehow. Alongside Heavy Rain I'm also playing through A Link To The Past. Played it a million times and it's still owning me. I'm absolutely loving it. I'm up to the Water Temple now, so all-up probably about 1/2 way through it. I'm hoping to have it finished before I leave on my Sydney trip on Sunday. Going to meet Nobuo Uematsu!! *girlish squeal*

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well, I got my 3DS. Funky little machine. Even though I didn't buy a game with it (worst... launch lineup... ever...) there's been lots of stuff to play around with. I'm still undecided whether or not I'll buy Pilotwings (it gets released in a couple of weeks) but playing the Super Nintendo version has given me a bit of a taste. Here's what I thought...

Happy 20th birthday, Street Fighter II! Here's this week's outcomes.

How long has it been since a game "fell" in the test of time? I'd better start playing some crappy games again! Doesn't look like that's going to start in the next week though. A game that many consider as the greatest game ever made. I've finished it about 20,000 times, but I'm still looking forward to experiencing it again. :-) Anyone else feel like playing it this week?