Welcome once again, retro lovers! Played any good games lately? Perhaps some of these...?
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed, but the music playing in the background at the end of these "catch-up" episodes always gives a hint of what's to come next time. Any ideas, gamers...? (All I'll say is there'll be a couple of Super N.E.S. games in the next video)
I also just noticed a disturbing trend... Since I started these additional videos, they have been steadily getting longer... Yikes... Well, here's this week's results anyway...
I've got my WiiU all pre-ordered and my Wii-motes are all itching to go on the 30th! From what I've played at the demo store, the three "chasing" games in NintendoLand are going to be awesome for party group play. Not sure how long the other games will last, but eh, whatever. It comes free with the console.